Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Explained

What is Vapor Intrusion?

Vapor intrusion is the migration of hazardous vapors, volatile organic compounds (VOC), chemicals and soil gases from any subsurface vapor source such as contaminated soil or ground water.  These vapors migrate into the pores and spaces in the soil and into the above and overlying buildings or structures like your homes, schools and commercial buildings. These vapors can enter the buildings through cracks in basements and foundations as well as through conduits and other openings in the building envelope. Vapors can also enter any structure whether they are intended for human occupancy or not. ( i.e. sewers drain lines, vaults, storage sheds, pump houses, garages) through cracks and other openings.

All types of buildings, regardless of foundation type ( basement, crawlspace and slab on grade have openings in them which makes them susceptible to a vapor intrusion.  All buildings are subject to vapor intrusion such as, residential, (i.e. detached single family, multi-family, trailer / mobile homes, multi-unit apartments, condos and townhouses). Commercial workspaces such as office buildings, retail space, educational and recreational buildings (i.e. schools and gyms), industrial buildings and manufacturing plants.

Intrusions of hazardous vapors (VOC’s) may impact the air you breath within the building you reside or work in.

Vapor intrusion is an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) concern that can affect buildings and the occupants of that building. This includes but not limited to, single and multi-family homes, businesses, retail spaces, manufacturing facilities, and schools.

“Sick Building Syndrome” is a term used when building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked directly to time spent in a building, typically no specific illness or cause can be identified.

However, many have reported symptoms like, headaches, nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness and/or lethargic like actions which appear to come on when spending time in certain building or occupiable spaces within a building. This then leads to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) concerns. Numerous reports from various agencies confirm that 25-30% of all buildings, new and remodeled, may be subject to excessive complaints related to indoor air quality issues.

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems (VI)

Granite Inspection Group has been successfully assessing your environmental issues and providing remedial solutions. Our clientele consists of your typical single-family home owner to, architects, builders, engineers, property / building owners, and other professionals who know us and trust us for our knowledge, experience and proven vapor reduction.

Granite Inspection Group has successfully installed proven vapor control systems to remove many types of vapors from single family residences and commercial buildings. Examples of the types of facilities that utilize our services for their Vapor Mitigation concerns are: schools, office buildings, shopping centers, restaurants, dry cleaners, hotels, apartment complexes and other multi-family housing i.e. banks, industrial buildings, manufacturing facilities and restaurants.

Contamination from vapor intrusion continues to create health risks in both existing buildings and new construction.

Granite Inspection Group specializes in working with all professional in resolving their vapor intrusion needs. Our continuous improvement methods and partnership with a relationship building approach is what sets us apart.

When dealing with vapor intrusion, regulatory agencies from the local, State and Federal level require state certified Radon Mitigation Specialists and Engineers. We are mitigation specialists and are well versed in the building science in conjunction with mitigation practices.

Sub Slab Soil Depressurization Systems (SSSDS) or Active Soil Depressurization System (ASDS) installed by state-certified radon mitigation specialists are the most common effective solution to an indoor vapor problem. The ASDS functions by creating airflow from under the slab through multiple extraction points and exhausting the contaminants through piping or venting systems and exhausts it to the exterior usually above the roofline. ASDS systems can be designed for new construction and for retro-fits to existing buildings.

As with any building system an ASDS will require routine maintenance and indoor air quality testing as verification that acceptable levels of vapors exist in the building. We at Granite Inspection Group provide service, repair and periodic updates to your existing Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems. Call us today if your building has an existing Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System that needs our assistance.

If you have questions and would like to discuss your project further and obtain an estimate for resolving your environmental project needs in designing and installing a vapor intrusion mitigation system, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 

We look forward to working with you in resolving your environmental needs.